Housework? What housework?

Ok – I am famous amongst friends and family for  being housework challenged. I’ll do it if I have to, but I hate it, and I’m not houseproud; so long as there’s no filth I’m sweet.

But now I’m feeling guilty. I have gotten *nothing* done today, but it wasn’t my fault! I have a great excuse –  I had a great day out with the kidlets 🙂 They’re on holiday at the moment and I was going to take them to a local theatre production of Hansel and Gretel. We were in a rush (as usual) and I got the venue muddled, so instead of seeing Hansel and Gretel we ended up watching students from Circo Arts perform their yearly show (it was amazing, as usual). And the day kinda evolved from there – lunch at a nearby cafe (of course, Mummy had a wine – it was medicinal, I swear) and then a tour of the local Museum.

But now I’m looking at my empty cupboards and messy house and thinking “Uh oh…”